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2014-11-03 05:11:04
Japanese carmakers

在长年累月的亏损期过后,目前这些制造商正赚着十分可观的利润,而这确实能让他们缓一口气。来自证券分析公司斯坦福伯恩斯坦(Sanford C. Bernstein)的Max Warburton表示,日元的走弱差不多等同于日本车商正全力发动马达印制钞票。斯巴鲁和马自达是五家公司里出口贸易量最大的两家,他们在北美市场的销售量取得了纪录新高。现在斯巴鲁在当地的销量还超过了德国大众。同时,这些日本第二梯队成员的盈利状况要比产业中大多数公司要好得多。

That may not last. A succession of lean years means the smaller firms lack cash to invest heavilyin new technology. But they are finding smart ways to turn weaknesses into strengths. Theindustry admires Mazdas decision some years ago not to develop costly hybrid or fullyelectric powertrains in favour of pioneering its SkyActiv technology, which greatly improves theefficiency of petrol and diesel engines.


SkyActiv is typically pragmatic engineering from the Japanese, and just what the market wantsnow, says Mr Warburton. In the coming years, however, meeting tighter emissions standardswill require more capital spending. It may also be difficult for the smaller firms to invest intechnologies that support autonomous driving, should it prove popular.


Another explanation for the small firms endurance is the tacit support of Japansgovernment. In the case of Suzuki, Mitsubishi and Daihatsu this support is visible in the formof longstanding tax breaks to miniature kei cars. Much loved by women and the old, the tinycars and trucks now account for around two-fifths of new-vehicle sales in Japan. Nissan andHonda manufacture kei cars, but the three smaller makers rely on them more.


The government now seems to have heeded the warnings of the largest carmakers, that makingkei cars diverts attention and funds from the development of models with export potential. Adecision earlier this year to raise taxes on the category bodes ill for their manufacturers. WhileSubaru and Mazda are successful outside Japan, and Suzuki is envied for making big profitsselling small cars, the weakest of the second tier may soon face fresh difficulties.


The underlying problem faced by all Japans carmakers is a declining and largely unprofitablehome market, says John Harris, a consultant. Yet for Mitsubishi, probably the weakest of thefive, the problem is eased by support from the huge industrial group it belongs to and Daihatsuwill continue to enjoy Toyotas protection. With this level of help it is unsurprising that noneof the small carmakers has yet run off the road.

咨询师约翰哈里斯(John Harris)表示,全日本的汽车制造商都有着一个共同的潜在问题,那就是持续萎缩和基本上无利可图的国内市场。然而,就三菱汽车而言,这家几乎是五家公司实力最弱的成员,一直从自己所属的巨型集团当中得到支持。大发汽车也将持续地受到丰田的保护。在这种程度的帮助之下,我们就不难预测到,这批小型制造商都会活得好好的。译者:颜士竣








