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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研英语 >考研英语高分范文模板:Computers and encourages

考研英语高分范文模板:Computers and encourages

2014-09-03 04:09:56


Several reasons account for the change. Firstly, we are in the information age today. Computers are useful in editing and data processing, make it easier for people to communicate with each other and provide all sorts of information. Secondly, computer skills can be a competitive edge for job hunter, which stimulates students interest in computers and encourages them to have a good command of them. Finally, as the price of computers drops sharply recent years, more and more students can afford them.

But some problems also arise, liking wasting students time and having negative effect on studies. Therefore, we, as students, should always keep in mind that we should use computer in an appropriate way.










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