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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >翻译硕士:笔译词汇分类盘点政治(3)


2014-08-11 09:08:03


We must restore the vital trust between people and their government.


Governments must be prepared to surrender some authority to global and regional institutions or we risk world disorder.


Just when we need a strong international organization, the United Nations is starved of funds and often sidelined by its own member state.


In todays world, there are still quite some factors of instability and uncertainty.


Frequent regional frictions and conflicts, rampant terrorist activities, the widening North-South gap and rising nontraditional security threats all pose severe challenges to mankind.


The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity.


UN peace-keeping operations can, to some extent, play a positive role in easing regional conflicts.


Conflicts are largely to blame for the large numbers of refugees.


All are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.


What people put into the box on Election Day can change the course of history.


A number of election reforms have been made.


Women still lag far behind men in top political and decision-making roles, a waste of talent given that their access to education and healthcare is nearly equal.


We must rally the world around a solution to our climate challenge.


In an interconnected world, power does not need to be a zero-sum game, and nations need not fear the success of another.


We must tap the great potential of their own people.


软环境 soft environment

保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission

标本兼治 address both the symptoms and the root causes of the problem

博采众长 draw on others successful experience

长治久安 long-term stability

常务委员 member of a standing committee

创新体系 an innovation system

垂直管理 vertical management

反腐倡廉 anti-corruption bid

反贪法规 anti-corruption legislation

港人治港 the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong

高度自治 a high degree of autonomy

公平分配 fair distribution

国防预算 defense budget

国际责任 international responsibilities/liabilities

和谐社会 a harmonious society

宏观调控 macrocontrol

基层监督 grassroots supervision

减员增效 downsize the staff to improve efficiency

解放思想 emancipate peoples minds

就业问题 employment problem

开放兼容 open and receptive

抗洪救灾 fight floods and provide relief

廉政准则 code of ethics

两岸关系 cross-straits relations

民主监督 democratic supervision

民主权利 democratic rights

民主协商 democratic consultation

民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups

试点项目 pilot project










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