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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >乡镇公务员 >考试题库 >2019中国银行校园招聘:英语单选题(一)


2018-09-17 02:09:40


1. If our cooperators achieve from the first step, they will look forward to ______.

A. having goods B. making progress C. being made progress D. process

2. Current accounts for export trade shall be detailed ______.

A. and reasonable B. and value C. without reasons D. or invalid

3.The toy store needs ______staff over the holiday season, as this is by far its busiest time of the year.

A. adding B. additive C. additional D. additionally

4. _____company executives and union members can reach an agreement, the workers will go on strike.

A. If B. When C. Unless D. After

5. As an associate in the legal department, it will be Mr.Whites ______ to review all corporate contracts.

A. symptom B. responsibility C. quality D. discipline










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