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2016-12-05 01:12:34


1. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals_________ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.

A. relieve B. release

C. dismiss D. disclose

2. As a matter of rule, the scrap value of a vessel can hardly be at ________ with the sound value.

A. par B. bearish

C. collapse D. rally

3. As a salesman, he works on a (an) ________ basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.

A. income B. commission

C. salary D. pension

4. As all of us know, color-blind people often find it difficult to ________ between blue and green.

A. separate B. distinguish

C. compare D. contrast

5. As everyone knows, the exchange ________ fluctuates almost daily.

A. ration B. ratio

C. rate D. interest

6 As far as the rank of position is concerned, an associate professor is ________to a professor, though they are almost equally knowledgeable.

A. attached B. subsidiary

C. previous D. inferior

7. As I was just getting familiar with this job, 1 had_________ to ask my boss.

A. many B. most

C. much D. more

8. As is well-known, knowledge is the __________condition for expansion of mind.

A. indispensable B. indefinite

C. inevitable D. impossible

9. As scheduled, the communications satellite went into _________ round the earth.

A. circle B. orbit

C. path D. course

10. As soon as it started to rain we turned round and _________ home.

A. made for B. called for

C. cared for D. searched for

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