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2016-11-28 06:11:29


1. All of them _________technical innovations.

A. are absorbed in B. ate absorbing in

C. are absorbed to D. are absorbing to

2. All of us were_________ that the old man could walk on his hands.

A. shocked B. amazed

C. frightened D. pleased

3. All students _________a loud laugh when Prof, Henry Mitchell told them the joke.

A. let off B. let out

C. let down D. let go

4. ________ all the difficulties, she finished the project by herself.

A. As for B. In spite

C. Besides D. Despite

5. All the information we have collected in relation to that case _________ very little.

A. makes up for B. adds up to

C. comes up with D. puts up with

6. All the leading newspapers _________ the trade talks between China and the United States.

A. reported B. printed

C. announced D. published

7. All things are interrelated with and interact ________ each other.

A. from B. on

C. in D. down

8. All workers in this factory are required to ________ at the age of 60.

A. resign B. retire

C. restrain D. retreat

9. Alone in London, without friends, work or money, Shelley fell into ________

A. despair B. disappointment

C. dissatisfaction D. disgust

10. Although architecture has artistic qualifies, it must also satisfy a number of important practical ________

A. obligations B. observations

C. considerations D. regulations

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