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您现在的位置: 查字典公务员网 >考研 >备考资料 >考研专硕 >2017翻译硕士英文词汇积累(24)


2016-01-18 04:01:28

prepared for both promotion and demotion 能上能下

to alleviate rural poverty through development 农村扶贫开发

reform of rural taxes and administrative charges 农村税费改革

problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民问题

agriculture and rural work 农业和农村工作

agriculture as the foundation of the economy 农业基础地位

falsification 弄虚作假

personnel training 培养人才

people in financial difficulties 贫困群众

smooth transition of power平稳过渡

extravagance and waste 铺张浪费

general election system 普选制

less developed 欠发达地区

intensify functions 强化功能

win-win co-operation 强强联手

power politics 强权政治

overseas Chinese 侨胞

overseas Chinese affairs 侨务工作

industry and courage 勤劳勇敢

seek common ground while shelving differences 求同存异

regional organizations 区域性组织

tortuous road 曲折的道路

draw upon one anothers strong points 取长补短

yield substantial results 取得丰硕成果

score tremendous achievements 取得巨大成就

repeal taxes on special agricultural products 取消农业特产税

all the party members; whole party 全党

the crystallization of the partys collective wisdom 全党集体智慧的结晶

all-dimensional 全方位

the Chinese people of all nationalities; people of all ethnic groups of the country 全国各族人民

deputy to the National Peoples Congress 全国人大代表

the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference 全国政协

plenary sessions 全会

build a well-off society in an all-round way; build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会

in full swing 全面展开 











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